

Preference for digital payments makes Australian banking ripe for fintech disrupters

Australian consumers’ love of contactless payments has helped push the country up global rankings that measure the use of non-cash payments across the world. Australia had the fourth-highest number of non-cash payments per person in the world, the report by consultancy Capgemini and bank RBS said. There were more than 300 non-cash transactions per person a year, the report said, putting Australia behind only Finland, the United States and the Netherlands. This is an increased from a few years ago, when Australia was ranked sixth in the report, and the rise reflects strong growth in digital payments for smaller purchases, where “tap and go” services on credit and debit cards […]


Fintechs furthest thing for some SMEs’ minds | The Australian

The challenge for companies seeking to disrupt the banking sector’s bulging profits has been laid bare by research showing more than a third of small businesses can’t name a single “fintech” brand. “It is abundantly clear that businesses across the board not only want, but need additional business banking service,” said Martin Smith, head of markets analysis at research group East & Partners, which conducted the survey. “However, challenger brands seeking to take on the banks in lending, payments or treasury support functions are not winning the battle for mind share in order to capitalise on abundant opportunities.” With disruption from new players shaping as one of the biggest longer-term […]


Bitcoin flounders as regulatory worries bite

What are your thoughts on this article? Do you believe this is happening? Australian businesses are turning their backs on bitcoin, as signs grow that the cryptocurrency’s mainstream appeal is fading. Concerns about bitcoin’s potential crime links mean many businesses have stopped accepting it, a trend accelerated by Australian banks’ move last month to close the accounts of 13 of the country’s 17 bitcoin exchanges. The development is a blow to hopes of bitcoin fans that the currency can play a significant role in everyday business transactions in developed economies, with Australia once seen as one of its most promising markets. It is estimated to hold 7 per cent of […]


Australia as a fintech hub must have global focus to stand a chance

Australia’s hopes of becoming a hub for technology-based finance firms could be “stillborn” if local rules do not encourage the new wave of start-ups to have an international focus, says the global head of financial services at PricewaterhouseCoopers. With the federal government signalling support for technology-based industries, a prime area with growth potential is the fintech sector: entrepreneurs targeting the finance industry’s hefty profits. However, the global nature of digital technology poses new challenges for regulators accustomed to having more domestic priorities.The global leader of financial services at PwC, Nigel Vooght, said financial regulators would face new dilemmas in trying to encourage fintech while also carrying out their mandate. “Your […]


Why Fintech Is The Most Important Industry Right Now

This is a fantastic article on Australian FinTech. And it’s also great information to pass onto those who don’t understand what FinTech is and are unaware of how they can benefit from using Australian FinTech products. Fintech is beginning to disrupt the financial world as we know it. The financial industry is now more focused than ever on technological innovation than at any other time. It’s so important, Malcolm Turnbull referred to it in his first speech as PM. But, for those unfamiliar with the term, here’s a quick explainer. Put simply, Fintech is financial technology; a digital revolution. It’s about major changes to asset management, business and personal loans, […]


ASK Crowe Horwath new FinTech platform launched

Findex, one of Australasia’s largest accounting and financial advisory groups today announced the launch of online platform, ASK Crowe Horwath. ASK Crowe Horwath, an obligation-free, online financial problem solving service for business and individuals, allows questions to be posed by the general public and answered by Crowe Horwath advisers. There are no boundaries to the questions that can be asked, with professionals covering the full spectrum of financial services. Findex has partnered with FinTech start-up FinancialAsk to provide ASK Crowe Horwath. As part of the recent FinTech boom, there has been increasing local interest in innovative start-up companies. With FinTech investment reaching over AUD$270 billion worldwide, the area is experiencing enormous interest and growth. […]


Banks V Bitcoin

Michael Pascoe raises some interesting ideas in this short segment about why the banks are interested in ensuring they don’t do business with those that are involved in legal bitcoin businesses but turn a blind eye towards better known ‘shonks’ using their services. What are your thoughts on the banks using these tactics and do you agree that APRA and the Reserve Bank should start to review this practice?


More super funds tipped to launch robo-advice

More superannuation funds are looking to implement automated “robo-advice” for members as a way of satisfying the competing demands of bringing down fees, while also improving their members’ access to financial advice. The pressure on funds to improve advice is coming from both regulators and a growing band of tech-savvy, bank-owned competitors.At the same time fees are in the firing line, and some super funds cannot afford large teams of financial advisers. “Robo-advice” is basic financial advice that a super fund can provide to members via online tools. Normally, it takes into account personal details such as the individual’s age, balance and retirement savings goals. It is increasingly viewed as […]