Search Result: quest payment systems


Blockchain lures central banks as Danes consider minting e-krone

There’s a growing number of central banks questioning the point of printing paper money. In Denmark, the wardens of cash are now looking into producing a virtual currency instead, which they predict will make crime harder and oversight easier. The Danes aren’t alone. Britain and Sweden are blazing a trail in Europe. Singapore and Canada have already tested blockchain-based currency systems for internet payments. Governor Lars Rohde, whose job as of next year will no longer include overseeing a cash printing press in Copenhagen, says pros include lower transaction costs. But the risks are considerable. It’s uncharted territory, and the potential unintended consequences have the scope to upend the economy. […]


UBS invests big in blockchain future

Global investment bank UBS is throwing its resources behind the blockchain’s transformative potential, investigating a range of applications such as smart bonds, cross border payment transactions on the distributed ledger and a digital representation of physical currency. In 2015 the bank opened an innovation lab designed to explore how the blockchain could be used by the financial services sector and how it would disrupt traditional banking models. Now its research will turn into reality. UBS group chief operating officer Axel Lehmann told The Australian Financial Review the blockchain could be “the next internet” in terms of its potential, but there were still questions to be answered. “We don’t want to […]


A VC’s perspective on Blockchain opportunities & impacts on Australia

by Victor Jiang, Managing Partner, Sapien Ventures LLP. I was truly honoured to have presented to and judged alongside a distinguished panel (from ANZ, Westpac, UBS, & Northern Trust) and key industry leaders at the inaugural Australian Blockchain Summit 2016 (Melbourne June 28-30th, 2016), and to have a chance to speak about what we felt are the opportunities and impacts of Blockchain on Australia. (The speech was immediately before a pitch/showcase session of 6 excitingly disruptive blockchain startups from USA and Australia, including one dialling in from 3am in their local time!) __________________________________ I’m really excited and honoured to be here, speaking just ahead of some truly exciting startups in the blockchain space. […]


The 14 Australian fintech startups chosen for KPMG’s new accelerator program

KPMG Australia today launched mLabs, an accelerator to connect credit unions and mutual banks with some of Australia’s most promising fintech startups. The program follows the successful Energise accelerator run for the energy and natural resources sector last year. The program will initially be used by seven Australian mutual banks and credit unions: Beyond Bank, CUA, Greater Bank, Heritage, IMB Bank, Police Bank and Teachers Mutual Bank. The KPMG Mutuals Review 2015 found that mutuals are well placed to implement new technologies and ideas and to collaborate with fintech startups. “KPMG mLabs is designed to catalyse this process,” says James Mabbott, head of KPMG innovate. “It will be a platform […]


Craig Wright says he will prove he is bitcoin creator

One day after Australian businessman Craig S. Wright declared he created the virtual currency bitcoin, he says he plans to prove it. After many bitcoin experts expressed scepticism about Mr. Wright’s claims, the 45-year-old computer scientist and engineer wrote Tuesday on his blog that he’ll present more evidence in coming days to prove he is Satoshi Nakomoto, bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator. “I will be posting a series of pieces that will lay the foundations for this extraordinary claim, which will include posting independently-verifiable documents and evidence,” Mr. Wright wrote. Specifically, Mr. Wright says he plans to move some bitcoin from an account that has been around since the early days of […]