Nicole Kelly, MBA, CPA, is a pioneering tax specialist with over 18 years of experience driving startups in the finance sector. As the Founder and CEO of TaxTank, Nicole is revolutionizing personal tax and finance by transforming complex processes into user-friendly software solutions. TaxTank leverages cutting-edge digital tools to provide individual taxpayers with a dynamic, real-time experience, enhancing financial outcomes, ensuring data integrity, and offering complete oversight of investments for better decision-making year-round.

A staunch advocate for digital transformation, Nicole and her team are dedicated to fostering a more equitable and transparent tax system that actually makes sense. Unlike the labyrinthine processes we’re all too familiar with, TaxTank simplifies the journey, proving that dealing with the tax system doesn’t have to feel like navigating a minefield. Her leadership at TaxTank aligns with global digitalisation trends, setting new benchmarks for B2C digital solutions with a tangible impact.