

A VC’s perspective on Blockchain opportunities & impacts on Australia

by Victor Jiang, Managing Partner, Sapien Ventures LLP. I was truly honoured to have presented to and judged alongside a distinguished panel (from ANZ, Westpac, UBS, & Northern Trust) and key industry leaders at the inaugural Australian Blockchain Summit 2016 (Melbourne June 28-30th, 2016), and to have a chance to speak about what we felt are the opportunities and impacts of Blockchain on Australia. (The speech was immediately before a pitch/showcase session of 6 excitingly disruptive blockchain startups from USA and Australia, including one dialling in from 3am in their local time!) __________________________________ I’m really excited and honoured to be here, speaking just ahead of some truly exciting startups in the blockchain space. […]


Robo-advice and mobile alerts are the future of banking

New app aimed at reducing trader errors, while Westpac banks on bots. Banks and financial institutions are ramping up competitiveness and improving their mobile offerings in an effort to maintain and assist customers, traders and employees. A new report by US market research company Forrester says banks will increasingly use banking apps to provide money management tips to consumers, the SMH reported. This sentiment has been realised in Australia. A team of behavioural finance and math experts launched the first ever robotic trading coach, PsyQuation. The robo coach provides a feedback loop alert system that points out costly trading mistakes. How traders interact with the alert and the ways in […]


Blockchain: Distributed ledger technology still misunderstood

Blockchain may be the hottest technology trend in town, but business leaders run the risk of falling down a rabbit hole unless they are able to separate fact from fiction, according to Gartner’s research fellow Ray Valdes. While industry buzz around the bitcoin blockchain plus a dozen other competitive technologies has grown to deafening proportions, Mr Valdes warns that a dangerous cocktail of wishful thinking, mythmaking and misunderstanding can confuse the long-term transformative potential of the technology. “The thing about blockchain is that you will find businesses using the term in different ways in the same conversation,” Mr Valdes said. Mr Valdes also warns that the rampant interest in the […]


ASX Chooses Metamako

Metamako, the leading specialist in deterministic network devices for the world’s financial institutions, announced today that it has secured as a client the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), one of the world’s leading financial market exchanges. The ASX will be using Metamako’s MetaMux for real-time monitoring of its new trading platform and for timestamping and time synchronisation of its internal network traffic. Dr. Dave Snowdon, founder and CTO of Metamako, said: “This is fantastic news for Metamako. To be at the heart of ASX’s network is a real recognition of the excellence of our devices. We have customers in the US, Asia and Europe, across HFT, automated trading, banking, ISVs, etc. […]


Why trade finance is a good use case for blockchain

Trade finance is shaping up as one of the most promising early use cases for blockchain technology. The arrival of blockchain is prompting banks to search for analogue processes across the global economy which could be digitised to reduce financing risk. As a cumbersome process using multiple paper-based contracts with settlement typically taking weeks, the $US4 trillion ($5.3 trillion) trade-financing industry is set to be revolutionised by distributed ledger technology in the coming years. Many of the world’s largest banks and various start-ups have been pumping funds into blockchain research and development. They are now branching out of their laboratories to explain the opportunity to customers. In the trade finance […]


Brexit provides lessons for Australia’s FinTech start-ups

[ Extract ] Lessons for Australia Australia’s FinTech scene, scarcely acknowledged eighteen months ago, has developing rapidly and now commands the attention of policymakers, banking executives and the financial media here alike. We have a highly advanced financial services sector, one that is acknowledged globally as mature, skilful and well regulated. It contributes around AU$140 billion to GDP each year and employs some 450,000 people. We have the fourth largest pool of investment funds in the world, anchored by the AU$2 trillion-plus in our nation’s superannuation funds. That a viable FinTech ecosystem has developed Down Under should therefore come as no surprise. Australian start-ups span the FinTech spectrum across peer-to-peer […]


Online fintechs Prospa and Reckon bypass banks in new partnership

The partnership will allow Reckon customers to apply for small business loans through Prospa. As banks are entering new partnerships with smaller fintech companies seemingly every week, today online SME lender Prospa has announced a partnership with accounting group Reckon. The new product, Reckon Loans, will be facilitated by Prospa and allow Reckon’s customers to apply for loans of between $5,000 and $250,000. Reckon Group COO Dan Rabie said the aim was to leverage data to make the credit process easier. “Fintech disruption has changed the business lending game, with online entrants challenging the traditional providers of bank finance by introducing new cash-flow financing options for SMEs.” “Data from accounting software […]


Westpac is the world’s best at mobile banking says Forrester

Westpac is the world leader in mobile banking functionality, according to a global rating from Forrester Research. In Forrester’s annual Global Mobile Banking Benchmark, the bank — one of Australia’s Big Four — scored an impressive 86 out of 100 in the evaluation. The global industry average was 65. It was just ahead of last year’s winner, CaixaBank, on 85. Indeed, all of the Big Four banks from Australia were rated by the research company, with Commonwealth Bank and NAB both scoring well. ANZ, however, fell well below the global average, with a score of only 44. The benchmark assessed the retail mobile banking services of 46 large retail banks […]