AWS enhances Amazon Managed Blockchain with Ethereum support

AWS enhances Amazon Managed Blockchain with Ethereum support

Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces general availability of Ethereum on Amazon Managed Blockchain. Ethereum is a popular decentralized blockchain framework that establishes a peer-to-peer network allowing participants to transact without a trusted central authority. It enables popular use cases such as decentralized finance (DeFi), a network of financial applications built on top of blockchain networks. DeFi is different from existing financial networks because it is open and programmable, operates without a central authority, and enables customers to offer new methods for payments, investing, lending and trading. As customers build these Ethereum-based applications, they find it complicated and time-consuming to operate and manage their Ethereum infrastructure. Specific concerns include data reliability due to out-of-sync nodes, data storage scaling challenges, and time-sensitive Ethereum software upgrades.

With this launch, AWS customers can easily provision Ethereum nodes in minutes and connect to the public Ethereum main network and test networks such as Rinkeby and Ropsten. With Amazon Managed Blockchain, customers get secure networking, encryption at rest and transport, secure access to the network via standard open-source Ethereum APIs, fast and reliable syncs to the Ethereum blockchain, and durable elastic storage for ledger data. Amazon Managed Blockchain monitors node health, replaces unhealthy nodes, and automates Ethereum software upgrades, improving the availability of customers’ Ethereum infrastructure. In addition to DeFi applications, customers building analytical products such as smart contract monitoring tools and fraud detection software can also benefit from this scalable, highly available, and fully managed Ethereum service on Amazon Managed Blockchain.

Amazon Managed Blockchain is a fully managed service that allows you to join public networks or set up and manage scalable private networks using popular open-source frameworks. Amazon Managed Blockchain eliminates the overhead required to create the network or join a public network, and automatically scales to meet the demands of thousands of applications running millions of transactions.