Say no to IPO lockout for retail investors – OnMarket BookBuilds
Have you seen the recent articles in the media responding to proposed ASX listing rules changes reducing the requirement to just 100 shareholders for large IPOs?
Currently, ASX rules require each IPO to have 300-400 shareholders. OnMarket BookBuilds believe that this is a major reason that retail investors get some (but in our view, not enough) access to IPOs. OnMarket BookBuilds think the proposed changes will mean that you receive fewer IPO offers.
In contrast, Hong Kong and Singapore rules require that 25-40% of all IPOs are reserved for retail investors.
If you support the idea of broader, fairer access to IPOs, then make sure your opinion is heard!
Click on the link below, complete the form to add your name to the petition for fairer access that we will be delivering to the ASX and ASIC. OnMarket BookBuilds Petition: https://au.onmarketbookbuilds.com/