PWSHoldings, PWS Global Risks Labuan Ltd and KoiZai signs to collaborate and expand fintech services to their network
KoiZai has entered a collaboration agreement with PWSHoldings and PWS Global Risks Labuan Ltd to provide FinTech services to their Asian insurance network and develop insurance products that can be offered to the KoiZai users network. This partnership aims to strengthen collective presence in key Asian and Australasian financial services markets with an insurance focus.
“We are grateful for the leadership and vision displayed by Mr Paul Murphy (CEO, PWS Holdings, Singapore) and Mr Ahmad Zabidi Ismail (Chairman, PWS Global Risk Labuan Ltd) in selecting KoiZai to support their mission dedicated to shaping the future of insurance with their clients.”
This strategic partnership will add a significant step to building the ‘Powered by KoiZai’ ecosystem into the insurance space. Koizai users will appreciate the considerable benefits from this collaboration which will enhance the system insurance capabilities and gain invaluable access to PWS’s extensive knowledge and expertise as a leading player in the insurance and reinsurance market. Together with the PWS Group, our goal is to advance the development of professional insurance and investment advice, suitability, and offerings for financial advisers and their clients through innovation.