Diversiview expands to the Bombay Stock Exchange to include Indian securities
Diversiview by LENSELL has added the BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) listed securities to its database. Investors can now analyse internationally diversified portfolios of any mix of listed investments from ASX (Australian Stock Exchange), NASDAQ, NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) and BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange), with more stock markets coming soon.
With Diversiview investors can run comprehensive analyses of their portfolios, view the risk they take for the return they expect, compare performance with peers, backtest their allocation strategy and find ways to mitigate unnecessary risks and increase their expected returns.
Using state of the art technology built on top of Nobel prize winning financial research from Harry Markowitz (the Modern Portfolio Theory), Diversiview allows users to calculate optimal or other efficient asset allocations for their portfolios, to suit their goals, in seconds.
The number of Indian retail investors is currently only approx. 10% of the Indian population, however that has been constantly growing during the past few years, and recently India Reclaimed Spot as the World’s Fifth Largest Stock Market.
As they expand to cover new markets, the team at Diversiview are taking expressions of interest for affiliate marketing, with excellent commission fees offered.